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Navigating the Depths of Discontent: A Review of “I Hate This Place: Vol. 1”

I Hate This Placeby Kyle Starks and Artyom Toplin represent everything that I love about independent graphic novels. Starks & Toplin, without years of continuity to hold them back, deliver a horror tale that blends genres such as family drama, demon possession, true crimes, alien invasions, ghost stories, comedy,and romance.

The premise of this story is similar to any other horror movie. City girls Trudy, and Gabby, who are lovers, have decided to move to a farm that was left by Gabby’s aunt and uncle.

The farm, unfortunately, is an area of intense paranormal activity, a playground for poltergeists and demons. It is also home to aliens and ghosts. The couple must now learn the rules of play as written on the cryptic tape left by the house to avoid the scary creatures of this world and the one to come!

Volume I contains issues 1 through 5 of this frenetic comic series. This book is great because Starks & Toplin are not afraid to throw anything at the wall and have it stick.

Starks writes with a lightness and brevity. He does not use a heavy, cryptic style. The characters of Starks are real and relatable. The story never became too complicated or overloaded as the threats and villains piled on.

Toplin’s artwork is an excellent complement to Starks prose. The art is cartoony and gritty, which emphasizes our heroines’ plight. Trudy Gabby both are drawn as athletic and capable women. Trudy is raised by survivalists, but she’s currently running from her family. She has an impressive physique.

This comic is the best I’ve read this month. It is a real joy ride. This beautiful piece of artwork is perfect for readers looking for something offbeat and fun.

Kyle Starks
Artyom Tplin
Image Comics

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