James Tynion IV, a renowned horror writer (Something Is Killing The Children, The Nice House On The Lake) had his eye on The Sandman during his early career,…
Exploring the Cosmic Journey: A Review of 'Bowie: Stardust, Rayguns, & Moonage Daydreams'
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Written by Michael Allred & Steve Horton Michael Allred and Laura Allred Insight Editions Before, there have been rock star comics. Even though…
The plot and character parts are probably the only things in “God of War: Twilight of the Gods” that feel a little…
It is my second graphic novel about David Bowie. Mike Allred wrote and drew the first, and it was fantastic. It’s a little different,…
Recently, there has been a trend of Hollywood celebrities creating new comic book characters. Wesley Snipes and Oscar Isaac have both done this. It’s…